Sense of a Real Man🧍

After a long time, I thought I will right about something natural and is real being in life. To be frank, people now knowing the fact, try being real. But literally speaking,that is of 2 types:- The First group is those who pretend to be real. And the second is of those who are tryingContinue reading “Sense of a Real Man🧍”

Warning Warning Warning ⚠️❗

Does the earth heartbeat stop?? In the latest news, it has been updated that -“Unusual Arctic thunderstorms spark rare lightning strikes in Northern Alaska” We are bringing our own destructions.. The consequences will be beyond our comprehension. It is too late for us to save the next generation,but still,let us unite to save the natureContinue reading “Warning Warning Warning ⚠️❗”


🙏Faith In God- The conclusion Take back all your false faces and look back .You can see your deeds.Change the hell of your mind and create a real paradise, without imagining a paradise in your mind. If we try to build a heaven with a hellish mind,what will sprout here will be the seeds ofContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD #10”


Perceiving world with envy 🧐 Jealousiness is something natural but it’s not necessary. It happens when you count someone else’s blessings instead of your own. People try to be always better than other out of jealousness. Jealousy is another example of satanic face of man. Green eyed monsters are like poisoned arrows. The cause ofContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD#9”


Rejoice in sorrow of others🤓 I always wonder how people dare to be happy in others grief . They should have even thought that this would be them one day or the other. There are people who lead there life in hardship. One such categories are of farmers. Aren’t farmer’s adored in the world? WhoContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD#8”


” Betrayers of Faith”🙃 Nowadays everyone is reluctant to trust others. They believe that the more you trust anyone,the deeper you will fall into the trap. This is the case in any corner of the world. We now need to fear our friends more than over enemies. Because enemies will be hostile but friends doContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD.#7”


Lacking Condolence😏 Lacking condolence meant to be Lacking Sympathy. People mostly lack Sympathy out of jelousiness. sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters. An example of sympathy is the way you feel for your friend when her husband .That is, what you say to your friend when herContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD.#6”


Terrorism👿 As I suggest in the last blog, terrorism is mostly done by people for their own success and survival.Those who engage in terrorism may do so for purely personal reasons, based on their own psychological state of mind. Their motivation may be nothing more than hate or the desire for power. Act of crueltyContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD.#5”


🔨 Destroying the environment for their own survival Being selfish,people are not hesitant to destroy or hurt others. They are ready to go any extend to fulfill their needs and desire. Whatever it may be on their path, they used to destroy it. Whether it is a life or a thing. “Rotten raws work asContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD.#4”


Deceived Human Beings🙇‍♀️ As the heading suggests, today I am going to talk to you about deceived humans beings,which creates an another part of shit in the world. People , nowadays,won’t hesitate to cheat others. They are not at all bothered about the way others feel or behave. Mostly people tend to cheat others dueContinue reading “SHIT OF THE WORLD.#3”

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